Tips for creating a productive work space at home


I was asked by Independent Oxford, a fab local organisation who shout about the plethora of Oxfordshire’s independent businesses, to share my tips and ideas for creating a productive work space at home, even if you’re working from a corner of the kitchen table! And this is what I put together…

During this unexpected time we are adapting in ways we haven’t known before and like many, you may find yourself having to work from home. Which is why I’d like to offer you a little bit of inspiration for creating a work space that makes you look forward to your daily commute across the landing.

For 8 years I worked from home as a freelancer, before setting up my vintage furniture business May + Co last year, so I fully appreciate the importance of having a dedicated space that helps you to get motivated, be productive and stay focused.

I’ve tried many different working arrangements. What began with a large desk and swivel chair in the corner of my living room, stacked high with files, printer and multiple computer screens, transitioned into being completely paperless and working entirely online, allowing me to operate freely from my laptop anywhere in the world. My current office set up, which is a combined working and ‘me time’ space comprises of a desk (with lots of plants rather than files), a space to roll out my yoga mat and a chair by the window for when I need some thinking time.

So as a seasoned ‘stay-at-homer’ I wanted to share with you a few tips that might help you create your perfect working from home space, whether you’re perched at your kitchen table or working from a corner of the bedroom.

Designate Some Space

If you’re used to working in a more traditional work space and have the room, then investing in a desk could be a good option for you.

A few of my vintage favourites are the mid-century Scandinavian desks that can be quite compact and ideal for small spaces as well as being easy to manoeuvre up that narrow staircase. Or, if you’ve the room and are used to operating with a number of screens and spreading out papers and files then why not go for a stylish retro 70’s office desk that offers lots of storage and plenty of desk space.

Alternatively a classic writing bureau offers a great space saving solution with its drop down leaf to work on that can be closed, shutting away your work at the end of the day.

Another great space saver is a drop leaf table. Whether it’s a dining or side table, a drop leaf can be used as and when you need it, with the leaf closed down at the end of the day and the table tucked away, back in the corner.

To read the full article click here.