Vintage rugs and mid-century furniture

YARN and may + co

Here at may + co we’ve collaborated with mother-daughter duo YARN, who are sourcing vintage and antique rugs to suit contemporary spaces.

YARN and may + co

Each rug is hand-picked for it’s design, quality and craftsmanship, from colourful kilims to 19th century carpets and like may + co, YARN believe in making our homes more sustainable, sourcing vintage rugs and giving them a new life.

And just like the pieces that we find here at may + co, YARN also know we’re not alone in thinking that a vintage piece can make a room, but we don’t think they should be so hard to find. By sourcing one-of-a-kind, vintage rugs they’re cutting out the difficult bit so you can pick from the best that’s out there, and create a space that’s unique to you.

To see the gorgeous vintage and antique rugs that YARN sell head to their website over here.